Monday, October 14, 2024

OUT NOW—Strange Bedfellows by Steven Donahue (@PublishConquest @writersd56) #politicalromance #rivalstolovers #enemiestolovers




“Politics makes strange bedfellows, and I’d like to keep my sheets clean."

Democratic incumbent, and Hayfield's current mayor, Jade Weatherby thought she had the mayoral race in the bag. That was until cafe owner and independent candidate, Finn Haley, joined the game.


Amidst their political rivalry and social pressures put on them by the small town's populants, Jade and Finn immediately fall for one another.


When a third candidate for mayor emerges with plans that could endanger the town, Jade and Finn are forced to make tough decisions about their careers and their growing relationship.


Genre: Political Romance

Tropes: Enemies to lovers, Social Issues

Spice: One (reference can be found at



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The air smelled like money. Money was the one thing most attendees had in common.

There was old money, like the wealth of the Hendersons, derived from oil fields in Texas. Then there was new money, like the Charlestons, who started a dotcom for sports fans that took off like a rocket.


The room was filled with rich people eager to help finance their choice for mayor of Hayfield, Pennsylvania. At the front of the hotel ballroom stood the one person who hoped to shake some of that money off the tree and guide it into her campaign coffers.


Mayor Jade Weatherby knew the pressures of fundraising. This was her third go-around and it never got easier. Money always came with strings, and she sometimes felt like a puppet caught in a web of promises and obligations.


She opened her compact to check her makeup. At forty, the stress of two consecutive terms had begun to show. She hated the lines that ran under her eyes and the loose skin forming on her chin. She touched the edge of her face and wondered if it was time for a facelift.


Jade snapped her compact shut and watched her assistant, Raydrick Lee, walk up to the podium. The slender, black man moved so gracefully it was easy to see why he had no trouble attracting members of his own gender. Jade recalled many times when women were disappointed to find out they biologically lacked what he needed. The mayor hid her clenched fists as she nervously waited for her turn to speak. Raydrick addressed the crowd first.


“Good evening,” said Raydrick. The noise in the room dissipated. “I want to thank you all for coming tonight in support of our wonderful leader of Hayfield.” He paused as some applauded. “I am proud to work for an intelligent, passionate person who I can truly call my friend. A trailblazer for the rights of all citizens, no matter their gender, race, religious beliefs, or romantic preferences. A 21st Century leader in every sense of the word. Come on, now,” said Raydrick. “Let’s hear it for Mayor Jade Weatherby.”


The applause grew louder as Raydrick whooped up the crowd. The host stepped away from the podium as a single spotlight fell on Jade while she made her way to the microphone.


She raised her hands and flashed her best politician’s smile. “Thank you,” she said. “Thank you all.” She turned toward her assistant as the room quieted again. “I want to take a moment to thank my right-hand man, Raydrick Lee, for his kind words and unyielding support.” More cheers filled the room before dying off.


Jade looked out at the jubilant audience. “Most people enter politics with good intentions. They feel a call to duty, a need to do what they can to improve society. JFK said it best, “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country”. I believe that applies to all levels of government, from small towns like ours to big cities like Philadelphia, and capitals like Washington, D.C. Good people want to do good things.”


Jade paused for more applause.


About the Author:


Steven Donahue was a copywriter for TV Guide magazine for 14 years. He is an avid reader, and his writing is inspired by the works of Ernest Hemingway, John Jakes, Ray Bradbury, and Matt Christopher. Donahue is a fan of the Philadelphia Eagles, a team that brings him great joy and great sorrow on a week-by-week basis.

Currently residing in the northern suburbs of Philadelphia, Steven hopes to become successful enough to one day retire to a beach house in Ocean City, N.J. 







Release blitz organised by Writer Marketing Services.


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