Thursday, November 30, 2023

Holy Smoke by Gin Griffith #Paranormal #Romance


Paranormal Romance/Romantasy

Date Published: 02/06/2024


Lust and lies? Now those, Jovi can handle.

But falling for a demon hunter like Nash Rogan?

Really dumb move for a succubus on the run.



But he's acting like one. Breaking rules, spilling secrets—touching her.

He lives in the shadows. But the more Jovi lights him up, the less he wants to go back to the dark.


Sparks fly when Jovi and Rogan are forced to flee—and fight—as an unwilling duo in HOLY SMOKE, the first in the HELLBOUND series by Gin Griffith.


About the Author

Social Media Links

Author on Instagram / Twitter / Facebook -  @gingriffithofficial


Publisher on Instagram / Twitter / Facebook - @harborlanebooks

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Tuesday, November 28, 2023


Passages, Book 1

Holiday, Gay, Romance, New Adult

Date Published: December 01, 2023

Publisher: Changeling Press


Is it possible to be both a good Jew and a gay man? Jonah Dillon doesn’t think so. He can’t reconcile his faith with his attraction to men so he turns his back on Judaism. Away at college for the holidays, he plans to lose his virginity to Christian, the blue-eyed, blond, goy of his dreams.

But fate intervenes when Jonah meets Aaron Beck, an observant Jew, and they end up celebrating Hanukkah together. Aaron tells Jonah they're beschert—meant to be. Jonah’s not sure he believes it, but he's lonely and welcomes Aaron's company even if he has to celebrate Hanukkah to get it.

Can Aaron bridge the gap and convince Jonah to take a leap of faith? Or will they have to give up their desire for a future together?


Copyright ©2023 Gale Stanley

The man’s image in the mirror, framed by small twinkling lights and swags of spruce and holly, appeared to be just the sort of ornament Jonah had been looking for all his life -- or at least the part of his life that spanned the years since puberty. The phrase “objects in the mirror are closer than they appear” came to mind, making him smile. I should be so lucky.

Unfortunately, Jonah’s plan to remain on campus for the holidays and lose his virginity to a non-Jew, a goy, wasn’t going according to plan, although he’d gone to great lengths to make it happen.

The worst part had to be when he told his parents that he wouldn’t be coming home for Hanukkah. None of the excuses he came up with felt right and he procrastinated for a long time.

Finally, he could wait no longer. Working up the courage, he called his mother and blurted out the dreaded words, before he lost his nerve. “I’ll be staying on campus for the holidays.”

Dead silence followed his announcement, followed by a worried, “Why?”

Jonah had never been good at lying. He struggled to sound believable. “I have so much to do. The workload in grad school is much heavier and the holidays are the best time to catch up.”

“Bring your work home.”

Also not good at asserting himself, Jonah hemmed and hawed. “I’d be way too busy. No time to interact.”

Unfortunately, his mother was way too good at guilt-tripping him.

Her voice wavered, and she sounded on the verge of tears. “We just want to see you. We don’t ask for much. And we’ve always spent Hanukkah together. I’m making your favorites, latkes and sweet kugel.

A knife pierced his heart, but Jonah thought fast and stayed firm. “One of my friends is stuck on campus, too, and I promised him we would study together.” Another lie.

“Bring him home.”

“I can’t, Mom, He’s… it’s just that…”

“He’s a girl, isn’t he? Well, if it doesn’t work out, you can always change your mind and come home.”

“Sorry, Mom. I’ll talk to you soon.”

Jonah hung up before his mom could ask any more questions. Damn, she sounded like her world had come to an end. If only he wasn’t an only child. If he had a sibling to pick up the slack, it would make his life a whole lot easier. Taking a few deep breaths, he calmed himself. There would be other holidays.

Now, sitting alone at a bar, he wondered if all the grief he’d caused his mother had been for nothing. Not many students or professors had remained on campus, so Jonah had ventured off campus to find a hook-up. Happy Hour at a bar seemed the best option, but Jonah didn’t have an ounce of gaydar in his body, and gay guys didn’t go around wearing sexual ID tags. Luckily, he’d found a gay watering hole in the small college town. The rainbow flag flying out front had been a dead giveaway, and the name, The Rainbow Room. Could it be any gayer? When he first saw it, he wanted to take off like a scared rabbit, but he’d been doing that for far too long.

Jonah had forced himself to open the door and go inside. It was a gay bar, so what? Nothing remarkable, nothing to be scared of, just a neighborhood bar, a place where a guy could have a conversation without screaming over loud dance music. Actually, there was no dance floor, and that was all good too. Jonah Dillon didn’t dance, especially with other men. The only thing that differentiated The Rainbow Room from any other corner dive was the fact that it was devoid of women.

Wooden stools butted up against a foot rail at the bar and the mirrored wall behind the bar threw back his reflection. A bearded bartender, sleeves rolled up over hairy forearms, filled orders. Holiday decorations were minimal. Other than the lights around the mirror, there weren’t any, and that was okay because he’d been born and raised Jewish, and a man assimilated a lot of attitudes and beliefs in twenty-one years. Ridding himself of them would take a lifetime. At least.

Having to stare at a Christmas tree or a Nativity scene while flirting with a blond goy would have made him feel even guiltier. Ironic, that the thought of sucking an uncut cock didn’t inspire quite the same guilt. Or maybe he was just too fucking horny to care anymore. Lost in thought, Jonah wondered if he was normal. Between waking up with morning wood and masturbating before bed, it seemed like he was always thinking about sex.

When he got to college, he’d settled for hurried blowjobs with other students. It took the edge off, but Jonah wanted more. It was time to let someone put their dick in his ass so he could lose his anal virginity. Finding a willing partner who made him feel comfortable was primary. One thing he was sure of, he wouldn’t be comfortable having sex with another Jew.

So here he was, trying to fit in with the goyim, to the point of actually shopping for one of those ugly red and green Christmas sweaters with prancing deer. Seeing himself in the dressing room mirror shocked the hell out of him, but he bought it anyway, and ran out of the shop before he could change his mind. He wore it like a costume, thinking it would make him feel less inhibited and able to take some risks.

But as Jonah discovered, the sweater didn’t help him blend in. His appearance in the bar had triggered a few snickers, and after glancing around at the jeans-and-sweatshirt crowd, he’d regretted his choice.

His inner voice told him he was trying too hard and he looked like an asshole. At the time, it’d seemed like a good idea. Now, he just felt dumb, but he forgave himself for not getting it right and toughed it out. Fuck it.

Jonah ordered a beer. The bartender set down a mug wet with condensation, and a bowl of peanuts. Jonah took a few and cracked them out of their shells. He tried to look like he belonged, but nobody looked like him and everybody seemed to be with friends. Ignoring the conversations around him, he glanced at his watch every so often, as if he were waiting for someone. It made him feel less alone. Pathetic.

What would his mother say if she could see him now? Come home, boychik. You don’t belong there. Thank goodness, she was miles away and oblivious. He’d never told his parents he was gay. Hell, it had taken years to admit it to himself.

He concentrated on today’s goal -- find a guy to have sex with. How hard could it be? Pretty damn hard, even in a place that was user friendly.

Jonah took another swallow of his beer. God, he hated this time of the year. The holidays always made him feel more alone than ever. His back was to the room, but he could still see the crowd in the mirror -- guys of all shapes and sizes, pairing up like animals ready to board Noah’s Ark, while he was mooning over a stranger. It was damn depressing.

Finishing his beer, he scanned the mirror for the blond. Yep, still there, but focused on the two men who framed him like bookends.

Hooking up with the man in the mirror didn’t seem likely. Jonah would not, could not, make the first move, and for sure he didn’t expect the hot blond to hit on him. Why would he? Jonah was a man who didn’t stand out in a crowd, unless it was for all the wrong reasons. After a lifetime of doing stupid shit, he’d become an expert at sabotaging himself. Too bad State College didn’t offer a course in How Not to Embarrass Yourself.

The hot blond was exactly the type of man he could see himself with. He had the sun-kissed good looks of a surfer dude -- blond, blue-eyed, and cherub-cheeked -- a nice contrast to Jonah’s dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and stubbled jaw. The nerdy guy and the goy. Pitiful. More than the width of the bar separated them.

But looking couldn’t hurt.


About the Author

Gale Stanley grew up in Philadelphia PA. She was the kid who always had her nose in a book, her head in the clouds, and her hands on a pad and pencil.

Some things never change.


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X (Twitter): @GaleStanley





Publisher on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok: @changelingpress


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Monday, November 27, 2023

LEGACY OF EVIL by James Peyton #Mystery #Thriller #Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

A banished detective. A body drained of blood. Mexico’s vampires are all too human.

After graduating from Harvard, Artemas Salcido is determined to transform Mexico’s justice system and joins the federal police. He begins solving crimes committed by the rich and powerful and is banished to the village of Bustamante.

On a college field trip to Bustamante’s nearby caverns, the daughter of a US senator is brutally murdered. The FBI, the international media, and a Mexican hit squad tasked with making the problem go away descend on the village. When Mexico’s attorney general tells Artemas his career depends on his cooperation, Artemas realizes his life is at stake.

As other grisly murders occur, Artemas’s investigation uncovers an ancient blood cult connected to a powerful financial cabal that stretches from mediaeval Europe to Mexico's most influential politicians and businessmen. When he disputes his violent colleagues’ bogus solution to the crime, Artemas is marked for death.

Can Artemas’s determination to bring fairness to Mexico’s justice system prevail against the overwhelming power of his government—or will it prove fatal …?

Read an Excerpt

The National Security Council meeting was breaking up when a White House aide approached the president and handed him a note. He scanned it, read it again, and his jaw muscles began to clench and twitch.

Those remaining in the room noticed the telltale signs of fury and quit their banter and paper shuffling. The president's eyes left the slip of paper and focused on Jonathan Sharp, Director of the FBI. "I'm glad you're still here Jonathan. I just learned that Senator Conners’ daughter has been murdered in Mexico—someplace called Bustamante—and quite gruesomely. It seems all the blood was drained from her body." He handed over the note.

"See what you can find out, then get some agents down there. Ask the attorney general to coordinate with the Mexicans. Tell him I said not to take ‘No’ for an answer.” He focused his gaze on the Secretary of State who instantly decided this was neither the time nor the place to voice his objections.

About the Author:
Award-winning author James Peyton’s intriguing settings and memorable characters in his thrillers come from his years of international work and travel. The first two editions of his four-part thriller Artemas Salcido series are now available on Amazon; Legacy of Evil and Terror Crossing, to be followed by La Buchona and Not For Sale. Peyton’s stand-alone adventure thriller, The Royal Fifth, was released in 2022. James has had five acclaimed books published on Mexican cooking, history, and culture. Peyton's writing reflects a depth of understanding and a unique perspective that sets his work apart.

Buy the book for only $0.99.


Friday, November 24, 2023

Win Free Books for a Year @changelingpress #holiday #contest


Changeling Press:

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Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Book Blitz! SOPHIA VON X by Victoria Ray #Mystery #Thriller


Heist Crime, Religious Thriller, Mystery, Suspense, Adventure

Date Published: March 2020



"Sophia von X” is a 2020 Readers' Favorite Silver Medal Winner in the Fiction - Religious Theme genre!

It was supposed to be a vacation, the trip to a newly discovered tomb of Jesus…

When Sabina Ferrara was driving to Bingerbruck, Germany, she was hoping to put a painful marriage behind her. Certain unforeseen events turned against her, and during a visit to Christ’s tomb, she meets Thomas von Essen – a dangerous thief who is hiding behind the name of a decent family, pretending that he is a famous archaeologist. Against her will, Sabina is dragged into the middle of the stealing of biblical artifacts, killings, and shootings. She ended up attracting the attention of an unknown enemy from Jerusalem, a wicked man called Papa Zen. A powerful mogul who knows too much about Sabina and her mysterious birthmark. She is the one he was looking for so long…

12 lost pages from the Bible

Car chases, guns, and fights

Yakuza and Ndrangheta families

Palermo, Istanbul, Jerusalem

Deaths, tears, broken hearts

Sophia von X is a story of violence, obsession, secrets and tragedy, lies, hate, and love.


About the Author

SE Crème de la Crème author Victoria Ray lives in a small town 62 miles west of Stockholm. She has garnered much acclaim for her So Absurd It Must Be True series and her Sophia von X thriller.

Victoria is a finalist for the prestigious Readers Favorite Contest and has been nominated for a Book Excellence Award for original writing. When she is not writing, Victoria spends most of her time reading, cooking, traveling the world, walking with her dogs, and catching her favorite Gota Lejon shows. An admitted sweets fanatic, she feeds her addiction by visiting the local bakery April on Sunday afternoons.

Keep in touch with Victoria via Instagram: @victoriaray_nb

Visit Ray's blog on WordPress -

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RABT Book Tours & PR

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Teaser Tuesday! IRON by Harley Wylde #MCromance @changelingpress


A Dixie Reapers Bad Boys Romance

Hades Abyss MC, Book 11

Motorcycle Club Romance

Date Published: November 24, 2023



Nari – Pain. Humiliation. Those are the things my father taught me, and every man I’ve met since. Running away from home didn’t fix anything. Now I’m nineteen and back in the town my family calls home. I haven’t told them I’m here, and I don’t plan to. But I also didn’t count on a biker giving me a ride, and leaving me at the Hades Abyss compound. They say they’ll help me, but can I trust them? What if they’re just as bad as all the others?

Iron –I’m no stranger to the darker side of life. Sometimes I’m the monster lurking in the shadows. Still, there’s a line I won’t cross. I will never harm an innocent woman or child. The moment I saw the tiny Asian woman cowering in front of Titan, I wanted to protect her from the world. She’s been beaten, yet she’s not broken. I’ve never met anyone like Nari before. Despite how timid she appears, she’s stronger than she realizes. I know I’ll do whatever it takes to make her smile and keep her safe, even if it means getting blood on my hands. The moment her family tries to take her from me, I’ll show them what it means for Nari to be mine.


WARNING: Iron is intended for readers 18+ due to bad language, violence, and adult situations. There’s no cheating, no cliffhanger, and a guaranteed happily ever after.


Copyright ©2023 Harley Wylde



My cheek pressed into the carpet as Gio held me down. I knew I’d be covered in bruises within the hour, if I wasn’t already. Nothing new. It seemed all I had to do was breathe in order to piss him off. I’d only stayed due to a lack of options. Leaving Gio would only mean taking a chance on someone else. Men didn’t help runaway teens for nothing. They either made us drug mules, thieves, or prostitutes. I couldn’t think of a way to escape. Everyone I’d ever trusted had betrayed me. Why should that change?

If things had been different, if my family had cared even a little, I never would have run away. Living at home had been awful, but my life on the streets was far worse.

“You stupid, worthless cunt! Where’s my money?” he asked for the fifth time. As if my answer was suddenly going to change.

“I told you I don’t have it. I couldn’t find any work today, Gio.” Or more accurately, I hadn’t found a mark. Stealing was my forte.

He leaned in closer. “Then you have a choice, Nari. You can pay the money by spending a few nights at the house on Spruce, or you find a high paying job before morning. Which is it going to be?”

I swallowed hard. It wasn’t really a choice at all. I refused to go near drugs, and I really didn’t want to be a whore. I couldn’t understand the girls and women who chose that path. I didn’t look down on them for it, but it wasn’t something I’d ever voluntarily do. Of course, if I wanted a legal job, there was always the strip club. Except I hadn’t really been blessed in the curves department. I didn’t even need a bra. Who the hell would pay to watch me take my clothes off? Now, letting him use me as a whore in his brothel? That was a different story. Those men didn’t much care what a woman looked like, and I knew he wouldn’t be sending his top customers my way. All they wanted was a living woman to fuck, although it wouldn’t surprise me if some didn’t even care if I was alive when they fucked me. I’d learned the hard way just how screwed up people could be.

“I’ll find a job,” I said. “Please, Gio. I really tried.”

He finally released me and stood. “Fine. By sunrise, you better have something lined up. If not, don’t bother coming home. You either take your ass over to Spruce, or you better run.”

As if running would do me any good. He’d track me down and things would be even worse. But I had to try. I refused to go down without a fight, or at the very least a last-ditch effort. If only I’d known I was heading this direction the moment I walked out of my dad’s house. Not once had I seen my picture on the news or in any papers. He’d never bothered to search for me. Why would he when he had his precious Joon?

Maybe I could go home. Or at least back to my hometown. I didn’t think Gio would ever think to look for me there. He knew how much I hated that place, and the hell I’d been through while I lived at home. Yeah. I should go back. I didn’t bring in enough money for him to chase me across state lines.

I waited until Gio left, then packed a small backpack. It wasn’t like I owned much anyway. Grabbing the little bit of cash I’d managed to hide, I shoved it into my satchel and left the house for the last time. One way or another, I was leaving this place behind. I didn’t care if I had to hitchhike all the way back to Mississippi.

Every step made pain explode through my body. I stopped to put on my hoodie and made sure my face was mostly covered. I didn’t need anyone seeing the marks on my body and stopping to ask questions. A rumble of a motorcycle came up behind me and slowed. I quickly glanced toward the street and realized the man was eyeing me.

I assessed his overall size and wondered if I could outrun him. Men prowling the streets for women always spelled trouble.

“Do you need a ride somewhere?” he asked.

I took in every detail of his appearance, from his Native American genes to the leather cut declaring him part of the Reckless Kings MC. I hadn’t heard of them, but there was a group of bikers in my hometown. They’d been a little scary, but I’d never heard of them hurting kids or anything. Was his club the same? Just because he looked rough and little scary didn’t mean he was a bad guy. Sometimes, the ones who looked like wholesome decent men were the most vicious.

He sighed and inched the bike closer. “Look. My name is Crow. I’m not going to hurt you, but it looks like you’re in some trouble and trying to get out of here. So you can get on the back of my bike and I’ll take you as far as I can. Or you can keep walking and hope whoever you’re running from doesn’t catch up. With the way you’re moving, I’m going to assume someone beat the hell out of you.”

I winced. He noticed that? “I’m going to Mississippi.”

“What part?” he asked.

“Ever heard of a club called the Hades Abyss? I’m going to that town,” I said.

He nodded. “I know them. Get on and I’ll make sure you get home. It’s a little out of my way, but it’s fine.”

Without another thought, I climbed on behind him and put my arms around his waist. It wasn’t my first time on a motorcycle, even if it had been years ago. It also wasn’t the first time I’d put my trust in a stranger. He’d either keep me safe, or I’d trade one abusive asshole for another.

“I’m Nari,” I said. “Thanks for the ride.”

“Sure thing, kid. Hold on tight.” He twisted the throttle , revving the engine, then eased the bike forward. As he picked up speed and shifted gears, the wind whipped the hood off my head. I closed my eyes and pressed my forehead to his back. For the first time in forever, I felt free.

I didn’t know if I’d made the right choice, but there was no going back now.

About the Author

Harley Wylde is an accomplished author known for her captivating MC Romances. With an unwavering commitment to sensual storytelling, Wylde immerses her readers in an exciting world of fierce men and irresistible women. Her works exude passion, danger, and gritty realism, while still managing to end on a satisfying note each time.

When not crafting her tales, Wylde spends her time brainstorming new plotlines, indulging in a hot cup of Starbucks, or delving into a good book. She has a particular affinity for supernatural horror literature and movies. Visit Wylde's website to learn more about her works and upcoming events, and don't forget to sign up for her newsletter to receive exclusive discounts and other exciting perks.

Author’s Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook: @harleywylde

Author on Twitter: @HarleyW_Writer

Publisher on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram: @changelingpress

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Monday, November 20, 2023

A Memory Of Things To Come by J.S. Charette #SciFi #Fantasy


Scifi / Fantasy

Date Published: October 17, 2023



A secret war rages on our planet, hidden just below the thin veneer of our society. An existential battle between mankind and demons being, fought by brave men and women who struggle to protect us from a foe we’re almost entirely ignorant of.

This is their story, and that of how a young group of friends were drawn into the conflict and how they could change everything.


About the Author

J.S. Charette is an American Novelist and Veteran of the United States Navy. Before he began writing, J.S. earned a bachelor's in Computer Science and an M.S. in Information Systems.

An avid reader with a lifelong love for the written word. J.S. is married with two beautiful daughters, who spent years demanding increasingly elaborate bedtime stories. As the girls grew, the stories matured with them, though the world and characters often stayed the same.

Over a decade, fully fleshed-out worlds appeared, and in time, they began morphing from fanciful bedtime tales into outlines for future novels.

He currently resides in Kansas City, Missouri, with his wife, youngest daughter, and faithful dog.

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Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Sale Blitz! Designed by Destiny by Maya Tyler #paranormal #romance


Paranormal Romance

Date Published: 11-15-2022

Publisher: Tirgearr Publishing


Bethany Clark is an architect intern, who swore off love to focus on her career, and Nicholas Grey is a playboy who needs a stable personal life to keep his job. Add in Faye Delmore, a fairy godmother who just happens to love playing matchmaker, and you get a future designed by destiny.


About the Author

Maya Tyler is a multi-published author of paranormal romance novels and blogger at Maya’s Musings. An avid reader, Maya writes the books she loves to read—romances! Her paranormal romances come with complex plot twists and happily-ever-afters.

When she’s not writing, you can find Maya enjoying her favourite things—hanging out with her family, reading, and drinking coffee (especially Starbucks French Roast)!


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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Bewitched by the Bear by Jessica Coulter Smith #paranormal #shifter #romance @ChangelingPress


A Paranormal Women's Fiction / Shifter Romance Novella

Date to be Published: November 17, 2023

Publisher: Changeling Press



Discover the power of true love in this spellbinding tale of magic and adventure.

All Amara wants is to live a life of adventure, without being tied down. With the dark fae relentlessly pursuing her, she needs a place to hide. Her gram’s cottage seems like the perfect spot, but the old witch’s words leave Amara unsettled -- What you seek is in Cutter’s Creek.

Alpha bear shifter Hale is determined to safeguard those closest to him. His life takes an unexpected turn when he crosses paths with a captivating witch. Enchanted by her very presence, he’s unable to banish her from his thoughts.

As destiny ties them together, not even the dark fae will destroy their newfound happiness.

Uncover the magic in this fast-paced, insta-love story that’s sure to warm your heart.


Publisher’s Note: Bewitched by the Bear is based on the previously published short story Ruby and the Bear. Bewitched has been expanded and is now twice the length of the original story, complete with a new ending and steamier scenes. No cheating and a guaranteed happily ever after!





Lunar Cycle’s dance floor cleared the moment the wolf and the bear began circling one another. Hale Klein watched as his cousin, Duncan Hunt, flexed his claws in his partially shifted wolf state. It took a hell of a lot of anger to hold a partial shift, and Hale figured Duncan had to be running on pure rage. He had to admit, he had it coming. Hale didn’t know what had come over him since losing his father, but something inside him had twisted. He’d taken a lucrative business of being a security consultant and warped it. For years, he’d been a gun for hire, for the right price, regardless of whether he was fighting on the side of good or bad. But as his cousin faced him, fighting for the place of alpha within the pack, he realized perhaps he’d gone too far. His hold, at first, had been tenuous, as the adopted son of the rightful alpha.

This fight wasn’t pointless, exactly, but Hale could think of better things to fight over -- no woman was worth bloodshed. Not that’d he’d wanted Marissa. It was more that Duncan had wanted her, and suddenly she’d become the most attractive of women to Hale. He loved rubbing his cousin’s nose in his alpha status, but this time, he’d overstepped. Even he could admit it to himself at any rate. Tricking Marissa into his bed and then tossing her aside like yesterday’s garbage might not have been the best of plans. In his defense, she’d been eager enough. If she’d truly loved Duncan, she would have never strayed.

Looking back, Hale had to say that he wasn’t proud of himself. As he’d gotten to know Marissa, he’d realized what a sweet girl she was, and she truly hadn’t deserved what Hale had done to her. Even still, her heart hadn’t completely belonged to Duncan. Hale had to wonder if she’d only accepted his cousin because of his status in the pack. Either way, was it really Hale’s fault she’d run away? Duncan seemed to think so.

“Your reign over the Silver Crescent Pack is at an end,” Duncan growled through his shifted snout. “It’s time for justice to come to our lands.”

And you think you’re the wolf for the job? Hale taunted telepathically. No one had been able to beat him in the seventy years he’d been on this earth -- what wolf could beat a bear? -- and definitely not in the twenty years he’d held the position of alpha. What made his cousin think today would be any different?

“It’s time for a wolf to rule the wolves.” Duncan snapped his jaws.

Bring it!

Duncan lunged at him, arms opening wide, claws brandished like the weapons they were. Hale was bulky in his current form, but he also had power the wolf couldn’t hope to match. Rising to his hind feet, Hale towered over his cousin. Swiping out with a paw, he caught Duncan right across the cheek, his claws sliding into the wolf’s skin like butter, leaving three perfect slashes.

The wolf howled in outrage, twisting to come at Hale once more. Before the bear could scramble out of the way, the wolf’s claws embedded in his sides, leaving gouges in his tough hide. Hale snarled and broke free, spinning to immediately launch another attack at his cousin. As his massive bear paws arced through the air, his cousin charged.

Hale braced himself for the impact, claws aimed right for his cousin’s flanks, their razor-sharp points digging into meat and muscle. Duncan howled in outrage again, this time falling to his knees before the bear. Hale didn’t want to kill his cousin. He only wanted to prove a point. Opening his jaws wide, he fitted his mouth around Duncan’s neck, forcing the other shifter to his hands and knees in supplication. Hale growled long and low, not stopping until Duncan whimpered in defeat.

Backing away from his whipped cousin, Hale shifted back to his human form. Towering over the shifter now covered in wounds, Hale flexed his muscles, ignoring the twinge in his sides from his open wounds, and kept his gaze steady as he stared down at Duncan.

“Are we done?” he asked.

Duncan changed back to his fully human form and nodded. “We’re done.”

“I’m sorry Marissa ran away, Duncan, and I’m sorry for taking her from you. But there is no way that woman was your mate. If she was, she wouldn’t have fallen into bed with me so easily. She would have fought to be by your side, not caring whether or not the alpha was interested in her. All she wanted was power, despite her sweet nature. Females are all the same. They want the strongest in the pack, unless they find their true-mate. Then no other male will do.”

“You don’t know that she wasn’t --”

“Yes, I do. And if you think about it, you’ll realize it too. Since you’re worse off than I am, I’ll let you see the healer first. Get your wounds tended and go home.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

Shaking his head in disgust, Hale turned, grabbed his shredded clothes off the floor, and made his way through the crowd and outside the club. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d driven home naked, and he doubted it would be the last. There would always be someone wanting to challenge him, someone thinking they were bigger, tougher. It hurt that his cousin had been the one to instigate a fight with him. They’d fought over the years, but it had always been more like sibling rivalry, not a to-the-death fight over being alpha.

Hale dug his keys out of his pants pocket and slid into the large truck in the parking lot. As the door slammed shut, he tossed his clothing on the passenger’s seat and put his key into the ignition. The engine turned over and he backed out of the space, then pulled out of the lot. He knew he should just head home, to the alpha’s house in town, and call it a night, but he wanted solitude, time to think, time to regroup. Being the alpha meant he had an open-door policy, ensuring his pack could come to him for whatever they needed regardless of the time. Change was coming. He could feel it in the air, and he wasn’t certain if it was the good kind or the bad kind.

About the Author

Jessica Coulter Smith is an acclaimed romance writer with a passion for storytelling. Her works showcase the power of love and its ability to transcend boundaries, capturing the hearts of audiences worldwide. With a unique writing style and perspective, Jessica continues to inspire and entertain readers from all walks of life.

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Monday, November 13, 2023

Breaking Cycles by Nikki A. Lamers #ContemporaryRomance @RabtBookTours


Contemporary Romance

Date Published: 10-10-2023

Publisher: Atmosphere Press

Indulge in a steamy contemporary romance that will ignite your hopes for the ultimate happily ever after of a bad boy and a good girl.


Over a decade ago, motorcycle mechanic Grant Young made a daring escape, fully convinced he'd never look back. A shadowed history propelled him into the abyss, ensuring he mastered the art of detachment. However, destiny takes an unforeseen turn when Ella, a stunning, intelligent, and courageous woman, steps in to rescue him from the aftermath of a catastrophic accident.

Ella's compassion and strength force Grant to reevaluate his perceptions about life and love. She becomes the catalyst for him to confront his past and embrace the unfamiliar territory of vulnerability. Can Grant break the cycle of self-destructive patterns and embrace the possibility of something more?


Breaking Cycles is a captivating romance transcending the boundaries between a wayward rebel and a virtuous spirit. Navigating trials, heartaches, and moments of elation, the journey of Grant and Ella unfolds as a poignant quest for redemption and love. The burning question lingers: Will Grant overcome his past and find happiness with Ella, or will his demons keep him running? Immerse yourself in Nikki A Lamers' enthralling masterpiece to uncover the destiny that awaits. 




Moonlight shines through the cracked blinds, keeping me awake. I had been hoping to get a few hours of sleep, but tonight it appears and impossible feat. Turning my head to the side, I glance at the raven-haired beauty lying next to me, her tanned skin peeking out from underneath the sheet, barely covering her bare breasts. I take a moment, watching her chest rise and fall, making sure she’s sleeping before quietly slipping out of bed, resigned. 

Reaching for my backpack, I pull out clean boxer-briefs, slipping them on before stepping into my faded blue jeans. As I pull a white t-shirt over my head, my thoughts drift to the open road, my fingers already twitching with anticipation. I tug my shoes on, knowing it’s time for me to go. Where? I’m not quite sure. 

 Taking one last glance at the beauty lying in bed, I sigh as a pull my black leather jacket on before grasping my black helmet from the table. Turning, I slip out the door, quietly closing it behind me, and make my way outside. Striding over to my motorcycle, I throw my left leg over, revving the engine. I pull out, heading northeast, out of Alabama, knowing in my head I’m already gone. 

 Soon, my body begins to relax as I cross the border into Georgia. Boundless roads appear in front of me as I cruise past endless seas of green. I don’t know exactly where I’m going, but when someone tries to push too far into my life, I just can’t stay, and she started digging. That was her mistake. Something inside me tensed, urging me to leave, to run, to escape. Honestly, I don’t know how to do anything else anymore. She can’t help me. No one can.

About the Author

Award Winning Author, Nikki A Lamers grew up in Wisconsin and lived in Florida for a few years before ending up in New York where she now lives with her husband and their two teenagers. She has always loved to write and curl up with a good book. Since meeting her husband, they enjoy spending time in Maine every year and exploring different places. Her first book, The Unforgettable Summer, won the Imadjinn Book Award for best romance and the Firebird Book Award in four categories including New Adult Fiction, Series, Summer/Beach Read and Contemporary Novel. While Unforgettable Nights won for New Adult Fiction, Contemporary novel and Series and Unforgettable Dreams in Contemporary novel and Series in the Firebird book awards. Now with six books in the Unforgettable Series, you have the chance to fall in love with the characters just like her!

Dreams Lost and Found is part of a duet that hits close to home for the author. The main character Samantha was adopted as an infant, just like Nikki. Although Samantha's story is not her own, she enjoyed writing every word. Finding Home is book 2 of the Home duet. With Breaking Cycles, Nikki's newest release, along with an upcoming holiday anthology for a cause that will be available only for a limited time.

When she's not reading or writing, she enjoys traveling, exploring, hiking and spending time with her family and friends with her coffee, a glass of wine, or a taste of dark chocolate.


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